Monday, August 27, 2012

Coco Chanel may not have invented The Little Black Dress, that honor goes back to around 1902, but her creation, published in Vogue Magazine on October 1, 1926, along with her wonderful sense of style and ability to talk fashion, certainly made it a staple.   The beauty and simplicity of the always elegant LBD is once again being discovered and publicized and the perfect accessories for this "must have" article of clothing is a subject of discussion on many web sites, including, obviously, this one.

The ultimate classic accessory is a simple pearl necklace - so classic and almost ubiquitous that  even the great Bill Cosby told a funny story about basic black, pearls and his wife.  Audrey Hepburn perpetuated this style with her not so simple multi-strand pearl necklace in Breakfast At Tiffany's.  Our suggestion - something a little more original and unique - perhaps:

Still simple and elegant, but not just a string of pearls.

Perhaps a still classic necklace like this one:

is more your style - elegant gemstones with just the right amount of sparkle.

For a bolder style, go Tibetan.  How about:

this bold example in Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Black Obsidian and silver filigree?

How about a bold Asian look with a Chinese Dragon, Coral and Black Obsidian necklace

Which ever you pick, just remember Coco Chanel's standard - "a girl [woman] should be two things - classy and fabulous."  What more could any of us want?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Straight from Paris Fashion Week

One of today’s fashion statements is the bold, chunky necklace.   This is an Accessory with a capital A – big, important, attention getting.   

Small diamond pendants may be nice, but they are so ubiquitous.  A pendant necklace – large, detailed pendant with a coordinating necklace – particularly if it is a unique design is absolutely cutting edge in the fashion world today.