The ultimate classic accessory is a simple pearl necklace - so classic and almost ubiquitous that even the great Bill Cosby told a funny story about basic black, pearls and his wife. Audrey Hepburn perpetuated this style with her not so simple multi-strand pearl necklace in Breakfast At Tiffany's. Our suggestion - something a little more original and unique - perhaps:
Still simple and elegant, but not just a string of pearls.
Perhaps a still classic necklace like this one:
is more your style - elegant gemstones with just the right amount of sparkle.
For a bolder style, go Tibetan. How about:
this bold example in Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Black Obsidian and silver filigree?
How about a bold Asian look with a Chinese Dragon, Coral and Black Obsidian necklace
Which ever you pick, just remember Coco Chanel's standard - "a girl [woman] should be two things - classy and fabulous." What more could any of us want?